Electronic Signatures
Submitted by Melissa Pretorius, SigniFlow Media Engineer
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Submitted by Melissa Pretorius, SigniFlow Media Engineer
Submitted by Andrew Price, SigniFlow Lead UX Designer
Submitted by Marijke De Klerk, SigniFlow Videographer
How does document automation work? And what’s so great about it, anyway? Read on and we’ll tell you. Plus, we'll throw in 8 key...
Group collaboration software tools built for ultimate team efficiency.
The face of eSignatures has changed with the introduction of a faster and simpler – yet more secure – method of signing. You might...
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SigniFlow Support: Our Support agents are always on hand to help you with your SigniFlow queries. The SigniFlow Support team is at your service:...
It’s all about speed and efficiency – not to mention accuracy – all these things are essential for slick communication and transaction processes.
2021 saw the SigniFlow team introducing a number of updates and new features.
Simple vs advanced electronic signatures: The SigniFlow team frequently engages with companies in Australia around the subject of electronic signature types, around which there...
The use of effective digital technology tools is a powerful customer influencer.
Digital signatures are invisible, hashed and encrypted metadata embedded with a certificate in the file.
The Benefits of digital signatures in banking are huge. In today’s competitive banking landscape, it is all about service delivery to the digital citizen....
The benefits of your business going paperless by digitising business processes are too significant to be overlooked. Business has undergone huge changes over the...
Electronic vs digital signatures: “Electronic” and “digital” are often used as interchangeable prefixes to the word “signature” – but there are vast differences between...
SigniFlow for HR professionals allows businesses to fully digitise historically paper-heavy processes, from A to Z, enabling a paperless and efficient unit, and happy,...
Using digital signatures and supporting a paperless business model demonstrates that you as a company are environmentally aware, and willing to employ solutions to...
SigniFlow digitises the home office, just as it does the traditional office.